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Docip agenda: November 21 - 27, 2016



59th session of the Committee Against Torture

November 7 - December 7, 2016, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland

  • Website
  • Provisional Agenda
  • Programme of Work
  • Consideration of State Reports: Armenia, Cape Verde, Ecuador, Finland, Monaco, Namibia, Sri Lanka, Turkmenistan - List of issues prior to reporting (LOIPR): Australia, Côte d'Ivoire, Croatia, Montenegro, Sweden, Ukraine, United States of America

1st session of the Forum on Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law

November 21 - 22, 2016, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland

77th session of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention

November 21 - 25, 2016, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland

91st session of the Committee on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination

November 21 - December 9, 2016, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland

9th session of the Forum on Minority Issues

November 24 - 25, 2016, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland



    Call for applications for Independent experts of the HRC  (4 EMRIP, 2SRs, 1 WGEID) 

    Call for applications: Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Peoples

    Call for comments: Draft General Recommendation on Gender-Related Dimensions of Disaster Risk Reduction in a Changing Climate (CEDAW) 

    Call for inputs: “The impacts of climate change on the rights of the child" 

    Future events

    32nd session of the WIPO Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore (IGC)

    November 28 - December 2, 2016, Geneva, Switzerland

    Consultations on the participation of Indigenous Peoples at the UN

    December 14 - 15, 2016, UNHQ, New York, USA





    Read the COP22 statements and documents on indigenous issues in our Online Documentation Center!



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