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Institutional fundingFind out more about the institutions that finance Docip projects

Institutional funding

Find out more about the institutions that finance Docip projects

To be a Docip volunteer involves putting one’s skills at the service of indigenous delegates during their participation in the UN arena.

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Funding sources

Docip is funded by various institutions at the local, national, European and international levels.

European Union

From 2019 to 2021, Docip is receiving financial support from the European Union through the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights. This support is intended to provide support to all the activities of Docip, including a technical secretariat for the delegates of Indigenous Peoples appearing before treaty bodies and UN agencies, as well as during specialized United Nations conferences focused on human rights.

Sámi Parliament of Norway (Sámediggi)

At the international level, Docip is supported by the Sámi Parliament, particularly within the context of its activities in the areas of information dissemination and technical assistance.

Canton of Geneva

The Canton of Geneva is committed to supporting Docip in order ensure that Indigenous delegates would receive a training of trainors on documenting human rights violations and on the international human rights system in 2019. It also funded on-field follow up activities in 2019 and 2020 from the previous trainings.

City of Geneva

The City of Geneva is a strategic ally for Docip. It supports field projects in particular.