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Strategic supportResponding to specific requests related to the promotion and defence of the rights and freedoms of Indigenous Peoples during their participation in the international arena

Strategic support

Responding to specific requests related to the promotion and defence of the rights and freedoms of Indigenous Peoples during their participation in the international arena

To be a Docip volunteer involves putting one’s skills at the service of indigenous delegates during their participation in the UN arena.

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Strategic support for meetings of the treaty bodies and/or the Universal Periodic Review

Each year, 6 indigenous organizations receive support during their participation in the meetings of the treaty bodies or the Universal Periodic Review. Docip’s support here involves keeping track of prior reports/reviews of the State in question, helping with documentation research and facilitating local attendance in Geneva. The indigenous organization is accompanied by a person specializing in human rights and indigenous rights issues. This personalized service is provided free of charge.

Strategic support during the UNPFII and/or the EMRIP

A qualified person is available to guide you and answer your questions about international mechanisms and the international process. It is also possible to request support for documentation research, legal research, funding research, the use of our database, the preparation of a communication to the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, etc.). This is a free and personalized service.