Docip Synthesis Note No. 18 on the 17th session of the Expert mechanism (EMRIP)

Dear Friends,
Happy New Year from all of us at Docip! As we embark on another working year, we are thrilled to share with you our Summary Notes from the 17th Session of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP), held in Geneva in July 2024.
As with last year’s Notes, this document is not meant to serve as a narrative report but rather as a snapshot of the “on-the-ground” reality of the discussions that took place in the room. It offers a synthesis of all the dialogues and exchanges that unfolded over the course of the week.
Creating these Summary Notes is a meticulous and labour-intensive process, and we owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to our dedicated team of translators, volunteers, and interns who worked tirelessly to ensure every voice was captured.
To Clément, Arthur, Laura, Albert, Léa, Isabel, Luisa, Céleste, Aldo, and Sara—thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your incredible efforts. A special shoutout goes to our exceptional interns, Laura and Maëlle, who devoted countless hours piecing together notes, footage, and written statements. Your hard work and commitment are deeply appreciated, and we wish you all the best in your future endeavours.
With that, we invite you to dive into this year’s Notes and hope they provide valuable insights. We look forward to connecting with you throughout the year!
Warm regards,
Tristan P. Harnisch
Team Assistant
Download the Docip Synthesis nº18: