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Programme for the Permanent Forum (UNPFII 16): Tuesday, May 2, 2017


Docip is pleased to inform you on the official programme and the side-events at the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in New York. For last minute changes you might want to follow ou twitter account and consult the information screens at the UN.

Programme of work

10am-1pmItem 5

Dialogue with indigenous peoples (closed meeting)

[Interactive dialogue]

3pm-6pmItem 6

Dialogue with Member States (closed meeting)

[Interactive dialogue]



10:00am-11:30amCRBThe Significance of Indigenous Literatures in the Pacific & to Pacific Rim (California) Native peopleUniversity of California RiversideEN|ES|FR
11:30am-1:00pmCRBBarriers to Electoral Participation for Indigenous VotersThe Carter CenterEN|ES
1:15pm-2:30pmCR4Updates on the developing a new International Mechanism for International Repatriation of Indigenous Peoples Sacred Items and Human RemainsInternational Indian Treaty Council (IITC)EN|ES|RU
CRBGEF Small Grants Programme Indigenous Peoples Fellowship programmeUNDP/GEF Small Grants Programme
FF Amartya SenSHARING EXPERIENCES: Challenges and Opportunities in using indigenous knowledge systems in resource managementShubenacadie Band Council
FF RioReframing Rights in the Blue Continent: Examining the extent to which seabed mining within and beyond the waters of national jurisdiction implicates the rights of Pacific indigenous peoplesIndigenous World Association
CR7Indigenous People’s Rights and the Impacts of extractive industries in the Americas and AfricaInter-American Commission on Human Rights/IWGIAEN|ES
CR12Operationalizing the inclusion of Indigenous and Local Knowledge and Practices (ILK) in the IPBES Global Assessment of Biodiversity and Ecosystem ServicesIntergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)
3:00pm-4:30pmCRBThe Role of Indigenous Leaders in Supporting Inclusive and Equitable Measures to Implement the UNDRIPConservation International, Indigenous Information Network and the Indigenous
4:30pm-6:00pmCRBIndigenous Peoples and new approaches for inclusion in forest policy: Lessons from the Community Based REDD+ InitiativeUNDP REDD+ Team and UNDP SGPEN|ES|FR

Map of the buildings



Information from the Secretariat of the Permanent Forum



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