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Programme for the Permanent Forum (UNPFII 16): Thursday, May 4, 2017


Docip is pleased to inform you on the official programme and the side-events at the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in New York. For last minute changes you might want to follow ou twitter account and consult the information screens at the UN.

Programme of work

10am-1pmItem 9

2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

[Speaker’s list]

3pm-6pmItem 12

Future work of the Permanent Forum, including issues considered by the Economic and Social Council and emerging issues

  • International Year of Indigenous Languages in 2019;
  • 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development;
  • Follow up to COP 21 and the Paris Agreement;
  • etc.

[Speaker’s list]



11:30am-1:00pmCRBIndigenous Human Rights and Environmental Defenders: Issues and StrategiesCultural Survival, Rainforest Foundation US, Maya Leaders Alliance
1:15pm-2:30pmCR4Reporting Success: How Collaborative Grant-making Makes an ImpactCultural Survival
CRB Law of the Pygmies and the electorate issue of the Pygmies in the DRCSolidarité Pour un Monde Meilleur
FF 6th floorPeace Begins with Indigenous PeoplesInternational Movement for Fraternal Union Among Races and Peoples and The Grail
FF Amartya SenThe Great Law of Peace and the Two Row Wampum peace treatyKanienkehaka Traditional Council
FF RioThrough the Looking-Glass of Colonization-The Myth of Taino ExtinctionCity College

Map of the buildings



Information from the Secretariat of the Permanent Forum



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