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Programme of the Expert Mechanism (EMRIP 9): Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Organisation of work

10h00am – 11h00am
Item 5: Study and advice on the right to health and indigenous peoples, with a focus on children and youth (continued)

11:00am – 1:00pm
Item 6: Human rights of indigenous peoples in relation to business enterprises

3:h00pm - 4:30pm
Item 7: The Sustainable Development Goals and the rights of indigenous peoples

4:30pm - 6:00pm
Closed session


Time: 8.45am – 10.00am
Room: XXIV (24)
Organizer: Permanent Missions of Guatemala and Mexico
Title: Informal consultation on the review of EMRIP’s mandate
Languages: English, Spanish

Time: 1:15pm - 2:45pm
Room: XXIV (24)
Organizer: International Indian Treaty Council, Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact
Title: Environmental Health within the contexts of CRC and SDGs  
Languages: English, Spanish, French 

Time: 1:15pm - 2:45pm
Room: XXV (25)
Organizer: First Peoples Disability Network
Title: The recurrent and indefinite detention of Indigenous people with disability  
Languages: English 

Time: 1:15pm - 2:45pm
Room: XXVII (27)
Organizer: OHCHR Indigenous Fellowship Programme
Title: Indigenous Perspectives on the Right to Health
Languages: English, Spanish, French, Russian

Time: 4.30pm – 6.00pm
Room: XXIV (24)
Organizer: Docip
Title: Consultation on DOCIP publications, information and documentation
Languages: English, Spanish, French, Russian

Time: 4.30pm – 6.00pm
Room: XXVII (25)
Organizer: Congres Coutumier Kanak 
Title: Film screening:  Rien ne se fait dans le ciel
Languages: English, French

Time: 4.30pm – 6.00pm
Room: XXVII (27)
Organizer: Congres Mondiale Amazigh
Title: Monitoring of the UN Declaration and the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples: Progress, barriers and challenges for the Amazigh People
Languages: English, Spanish, French

Global Indigenous Caucus meeting on the subject of the next EMRIP study

Room XXIV (24), 6:00 pm


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Information from the EMRIP secretariat on the 9th session

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