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NEWSStay informed on a daily basis about the latest issues concerning Indigenous Peoples: conferences, documentation, international processes, discussions, etc.


Stay informed on a daily basis about the latest issues concerning Indigenous Peoples: conferences, documentation, international processes, discussions, etc.

To be a Docip volunteer involves putting one’s skills at the service of indigenous delegates during their participation in the UN arena.

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Docip's Weekly News No. 241


Dear Friend,

We have a busy week ahead: four international UN meetings and three regional events on the International Decade of Indigenous Languages, Business and Human Rights, and Sustainable Development. Upcoming webinars will be announced through our social media channels on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Stay tuned!

Enjoy your weekend and keep in touch with your family and friends!

Warm regards, Pascal


MARCH 14 - 20, 2021

46th session of the Human Rights Council

February 22 - March 23, 2021, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland

131st session of the Committee on civil and political rights

March 1 - 26, 2021, virtual session

24th session of the Committee on the rights of persons with disabilities

March 8 - April 1, 2021, virtual session

65th session of the Commission on the status of women

March 15 - 26, 2021, virtual session

Regional Consultations for the preparation of the Global Action Plan of the IDIL (2022-2032) for Eastern Europe and Central Asia

March 15 & 16, 2021, virtual event

Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development 2021

March 15 - 18, 2021, virtual event

2nd UN Forum on Business and Human Rights for South Asia

March 17 - 19, 2021, virtual event



Call for inputs to the Special Rapporteur's report on Covid-19 Recovery and Indigenous Peoples’ Rights

Call for inputs to the Special Rapporteur's report on the situation of Indigenous Peoples living in urban areas

Call for input to a report on the long term detention of human rights defenders

Registration to the 20th session of the Permanent Forum (UNPFII) for new organizations and academics

Call for submissions: 39th session of the UPR (Oct-Nov 2021)

  • Countries: Suriname, Greece, Samoa, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,Sudan, Hungary, Papua New Guinea, Tajikistan, United Republic of Tanzania, Antigua and Barbuda, Eswatini, Trinidad and Tobago, Thailand, Ireland
  • Deadline: March 25, 2021

Call for inputs: report on climate change related policies and projects from a right to development perspective

Call for proposals of the Indigenous Women's Fund AYNI

UNESCO consultations on the International Decade of Indigenous Languages

Registration to the 20th session of the Permanent Forum (UNPFII) for NGOs with ECOSOC Status, IPOs, and Academics that have participated at previous sessions

2021 UN Global Climate Action Awards



20th session of the Permanent forum on indigenous issues

April 19 - 30, 2021, UNHQ, New York, USA

High-level political Forum on sustainable development 2021

July 6 - 15, 2021, UNHQ, New York, USA







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