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Capacity-buildingTraining in the promotion and defence of the rights of Indigenous Peoples in order to then act as a multiplier agent in one’s own community


Training in the promotion and defence of the rights of Indigenous Peoples in order to then act as a multiplier agent in one’s own community

To be a Docip volunteer involves putting one’s skills at the service of indigenous delegates during their participation in the UN arena.

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Trainings for Human Rights Defenders

Photo: Training for Human Rights Defenders 2019This capacities transfer program involves a 15-day training session in Geneva, Switzerland, held once a year, whereby 8 Indigenous participants have the opportunity to improve their knowledge in the area of promotion and defense of the rights of Indigenous Peoples.

The participants come from 2 different countries from the same region, and each year, a new region participates in the training. The selection of the countries depends exclusively on the requirements of our donor, the State of Geneva, which asks us to select countries in the least developed countries list of the OECD. 

Topics covered in the capacities transfer program include: human rights and international law, indigenous peoples' rights at the international level, documentation of human rights violations, how to interact in the UN system.

The program takes place around the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP) at the UN, which allows participants to practice their new skills within an international conference.

At the end of the program, participants decide on a project they will complete upon returning to their community. The goal is for the participants to become trainers themselves within their community and their organization. They also transmit the knowledge and expertise acquired during the program by organizing trainings on documentation and on human rights within their organization and their community.

This capacities transfer program involves a 15-day training session in Geneva, Switzerland, held once a year, whereby 8 Indigenous participants have the opportunity to improve their knowledge in the area of promotion and defense of the rights of Indigenous Peoples.

The participants come from 2 different countries from the same region, and each year, a new region participates in the training. The selection of the countries depends exclusively on the requirements of our donor, the State of Geneva, which asks us to select countries in the least developed countries list of the OECD. 

Topics covered in the capacities transfer program include: human rights and international law, indigenous peoples' rights at the international level, documentation of human rights violations, how to interact in the UN system.

The program takes place around the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP) at the UN, which allows participants to practice their new skills within an international conference.

At the end of the program, participants decide on a project they will complete upon returning to their community. The goal is for the participants to become trainers themselves within their community and their organization. They also transmit the knowledge and expertise acquired during the program by organizing trainings on documentation and on human rights within their organization and their community.

Trainings in the field

Docip will organize two field workshops each year starting in 2019.

These field trainings are meant to act as a follow-up to Docip’s previous Training of Trainers (ToT) sessions. The main goal is to monitor the efficacy of the ToT and to provide support to previous ToT participants, particularly in regard to possible human rights violations. In 2019, Docip plans to conduct field trainings with 2016 ToT participants in Bangladesh and Russia.